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Embedding a dashboard into a website

Started by BMarshall, 07 Sep 2016 12:23:45 PM

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Hello everyone,

I am only a few weeks in on using Cognos so please excuse my ignorance. The resources for Cognos Analytics seems to be small due to it's age but we are trying to figure out how to embed a dashboard into our intranet site. I have figured out eventually how to use mashup to pull a report but this same method doesn't seem to work for dashboards. Any guidance would be great as PMRs really aren't accomplishing much. What I have found out so far is to pull a report using this method:


Is there a way with this method to embed a dashboard or should I be looking at another method entirely?



The 11.0.5 release provides a "Share/Embed" capability to provide iframe instructions to embed content in web applications.

There is also documentation on these new URLs "Creating custom URLs to display and run Cognos Analytics content" (https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSEP7J_11.0.0/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.wig_cr.doc/c_wig_cr_create_custom_url.html#wig_cr_create_custom_url).

This includes the "new" dashboards. However, the options are limited compared to the existing 10.X URLs (which still work) for existing Cognos types including reports, analysis and query studio types. Also note that authentication support is a REST interface and does not include Single Sign On (yet).

  • It's unclear what the roadmap is for the existing SDKs, particularly the MashUp API, which has not been updated for a number of releases (and was never robust/capable)
  • IBM has stated that the existing SDK APIs (main API, authentication API, report viewer URLs) "should" still work (and do) and they have updated the main SDK with new object/class types and properties for 11 - e.g. the new 'explorer' dashboards and interactive report properties - but they haven't documented/communicated that information and it's not clear when they will do so (full SDK documentation is not included with the 11.X SDK install, including 11.0.5, nor is it included on the documentation site: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27047187#cbiv11r0m0en)
  • I'm assuming you are referring to the ICA 11 dashboards, not the 10.X Workspace/Business Insight dashboards - those required a modified version of the 10.X "view" URLs - which you will need to reverse engineer